
SUKUMO Leather, produced by Young Holly, is a rare natural indigo-dyed leather, dyed in Kyoto using Awa indigo from Tokushima Prefecture, a nationally designated intangible cultural asset. It is made using the natural dye "sukumo" produced by a traditional method that has been continued for about 600 years, and is characterized by its delicate and tasteful colors achieved by natural dyeing. We also offer leather that has been dyed using the traditional dyeing technique "tie-dye" as a design leather.



store information

〒110-0008 東京都台東区池之端3-4-20
Business hours: 12: 00-19: 30
Regular holiday: Wednesday/Thursday
Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line Nezu Station 5 minutes walk from Exit 2
Keisei Electric Railway Ueno Station 10 minutes walk from Ikenoh

