About "Bridle Leather"

Bridle leather is often used in our products.
This time we will explain about bridle leather.
By rubbing in a generous amount of beeswax in addition to the oil, the wax penetrates the fibers, making the material more durable and water-resistant.
When you first start using it, the wax will rise to the surface and harden, forming a bloom, giving it a matte texture, but with extended use the color will deepen and develop a beautiful luster.
The bloom is not applied intentionally, so the amount of adhesion will vary from item to item.
Bloom is a characteristic of bridle leather, and some people enjoy the process of it falling off as a sign of change over time, so we generally deliver the product as is. If it bothers you, you can remove it by rubbing it with a soft brush or cloth, or by using a hair dryer to melt the bloom and then wiping it dry.
If you specify this in the comments section, we can remove some of the material before sending it to you, so please let us know if you would like this.
↓An example of bloom ↓
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